Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Our Letter to Registrar, Supreme Court of India

We sent a letter to the Registrar by RPAD informing him that since we have no means to appear and present ourselves, our light may be considered. I am producing our letter to the Registrar below. We have also hinted at the professionally unethical lapses on the part of Judges.

From                                                                                                                September 23, 2014
1. JAYASHREE PRASAD, aged 54 years
2. ARUNASHRI PRASAD, aged 52 years
3. RAJYASHREE PRASAD, aged 48 years
4. NIVEDITA PRASAD, aged 41 years
5. HEMLATA PRASAD, aged 38 years
            All residing at
“Ambabhikshu House”, No.33, Dr. Ambedkar Street,
Kuruchikuppam, Pondicherry-605001

Supreme Court of India
New Delhi – 110201

Respected Sir,

Ref:-    D.No.4488/2012/XII – Notice dated 18.09.2014

Sub: -   Contempt Petition (civil) No.395 of 2014
            In S.L.P. (Civil) No.27620 of 2012

Our greetings to you.

On 22.09.2014 we have been served notice and we have been asked to appear before this Hon’ble Court on 13.10.2014 with no indication as to which court-hall or before which bench.

We are ready to appear so that we can give our reply in person to the Hon’ble Lordships. But we would like to bring to your kind attention that as inmates of Sri Aurobindo Ashram we have no money or income to pay for our tickets, boarding and lodging. Therefore we request your goodself to consider our plight and penury and guide us.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(5 sisters)

Copy to
1. Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, Mr. Justice R.M. Lodha
Ref: -   1. Our letter dated 10.06.2014 to you.
2. Our reminder letter dated 17.07.2014
3. Our representation-cum-Writ Petition U/Art. 32 of the Constitution of India
    dated 31.07.2014 and received on 06.08.2014
4. Your Lordship’s professionally unethical visit on 16.08.2014 to Pondicherry 
    Ashram and interaction with their representatives.

2. Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sudhanshu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya
Ref: -   1. Our Contempt Petition filed against the Ashram Trustees, Pondicherry, dated
    02.08.2014 and received on 05.08.2014
2. Your Lordship’s professionally unethical interaction with Ashram trustees
    during your official visit to Pondicherry on 13.09.2014

3. Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ranjan Gogoi
Ref: -   1. Our Contempt Petition filed against the Ashram Trustees, Pondicherry, dated
    02.08.2014 and received on 05.08.2014

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