Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Contempt Proceedings wrongly entertained by Justice S.J. Mukhopadhaya

I was told by some well wishers who checked on the internet and found that the notice of contempt has been issued by none other Mr. Justice Sudhanshu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya on 15.09.2014, just two days after having enjoyed the hospitality of the Ashram Trustees at Pondicherry. Did he oblige the trustees for free ….!!!! Everybody’s guess.

How blatantly the judges of the Supreme Court are misusing their discretionary powers can be seen by this issue of notice in Contempt Proceedings.

  1. Our SLP No.27620/2012 was initially listed before Justice Gokhale and Jusitce Nijjar, who had already part-heard the case and who had granted stay of the High Court proceedings. Next date of hearing was 15.07.2014.
  2. On 26.04.2014 suddenly our SLP was preponed by 1 1/2 months from 15.07.2014 to 29.04.2014. We were given only two days time for preparation.
  3. Our SLP came up entirely before a different bench comprising of Justice Sudhanshu Jyoti Mukhopadhaya and Justice Ranjan Gogoi 
  4. Justice Mukhopadhaya and Justice Gogoi, on their first ever hearing, passed totally inappropriate orders on 29.04.2014, not pertaining to the reliefs sought for in the SLP.
  5. Justice Mukhopadhaya and Justice Gogoi passed totally inappropriate orders on 29.04.2014 without giving us any chance to represent ourselves.
  6. Justice Mukhopadhaya even mentioned in the open court that he had visited the Ashram. He ought not to have heard the case under such circumstances.
  7. Orders passed by Justice Mukhopadhaya and Justice Gogoi stated that we had to vacate 'suit premises' when there was no claim for property since our case is for challenging the impugned report manufactured by the trustees of Ashram to hush up the sexual harassment faced by us.
What better example of blatant miscarriage of justice can there be? The victims of sexual harassment are further victimized by the judges who leave the aggressors scott free.

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