Friday, 9 April 2010

10 Years of Needless Battle Protracted by Trustees

In the interim junction petition in I.A. No.935/2001 filed in O.S. No.253/2001 challenging the illegal show cause notice issued by the trustees, due to some technical difficulty a vague order was passed. Trustees and my four elder sisters, both sides challenged this order before the Hon’ble Madras High Court. C.R.P. No. 2230/2001 & No. 2534/2001 in O.S.No.253/2001 were preferred and Mr. Justice P.D. Dinakaran, without appreciating the merits of the case, passed even more vague orders and confused the whole issue still further. By a common order dated 29.10.2001 both the CRPs were disposed off.

Thereafter the suit went for trial prejudiced by this vague order of the Madras High Court and subsequently the suit was dismissed on 09.03.2007. My sisters preferred A.S. No.24/2007. By then five sisters’ case in O.S. No.409/2005 had already been filed challenging their illegal expulsion. So the trustees made an even greater jilebi and further clouded the understanding of the already confused judge. Obviously other factors, best left unsaid, were also instrumental for the outcome. On 09.04.2010, exactly 10 years from the day of the institution of O.S. No.24/2007, our appeal was dismissed. Since we were so bogged down with the issues relating to O.S. No.409/2005 we desisted from further appealing before the Hon’ble High Court.

So for about 10 long years we were constrained to fight a needless battle to satisfy the whims and fancies of the trustees attempting to prevent their highhandedness.

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