Tresor Nursing Home and Chitra Sen are synonymous in the Ashram community.
Ms. Chitra Sen is an old inmate, teacher &
sports captain of the Ashram and heads the Advisory Committee Board of the Sri
Aurobindo Ashram Trust. She also allots work to the inmates and devotees. She
also listens to their grievances without any authority to act on her own
accord, in other words she is a puppet of the trustees.
Tresor Nursing Home, a unit of Swasthya Trust, is
situated on a property belonging to Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust - “Tresor
House”. The nursing home is her private and personal business. She has boldly voiced
this her before appropriate authority.
SAAT has its own private nursing home on the beach
road, dispensary, pharmacy, various therapy centers spread all over the white
town and maintained by it for the well-being of its inmates, beneficiaries and
When crores of rupees has already been invested
for this super-infrastructure, why is an elderly ashramite, juggling so many
responsibilities, allowed to run her own private business with the blessings of
the SAAT trustees, especially on an Ashram property? The answer is very simple but
Pregnancy is an accepted, normal and almost
inevitable incident in the Ashram whether it’s a maid-servant, paid worker in a
farmland or an ashramite. This fact is shocking but not so to the old
ashramites who have witnessed pregnancies, abortions and childbirths in the
Ashram. The women range maid-servant to affluent ladies.
The Mother in Her wisdom always protected women in
the Ashram in every way. Stories are also told about how the Mother treated
these cases. She permitted some for undergoing abortion and requested some to go for child delivery
at the cost of the Ashram. Even today some of these lady-inmates are still alive
and well respected in the ashram community along with their off-springs.
Unlike the era of the Mother when She guided and
took the responsibility of each ashramite in Her spiritual wisdom, the present
trustees (not selected by the Mother) indulge in every activity contrary to the
aim and ideal of the Ashram. They are not only aware of the prevailing sexual
activities, but enjoy and support the same openly.
Sexual advances are a common pass time in the
Ashram and every woman has her own story. Sexual gratifications are procured to
entertain VIPs, to become an Ashramite and to be in good books of the trustees.
In case these so called “sadhikas” become pregnant trustees of SAAT take good
care of them by providing them with appropriate medications, treatment and
This is where Tresor Nursing Home and Chitra Sen
play their secret grand roles. Tresor Nursing Home takes care of all pregnancy
cases of the Ashram in the name of D&C. Thus the image of these women
remains clean in the Ashram community. But Chitra Sen maintains a comprehensive
report about it for the benefit of the trustees of SAAT.
Tresor Nursing Home offers multifaceted approach
to well-being and treatment, thus it is open to all including ashramites. Once
a report of ‘services rendered’ is submitted, the Ashram dispensary reimburses
Tresor Nursing Home for treatments extended its inmates.
You may wonder why I am washing dirty linen in
public. Here are the astounding facts.
- When the assault on Jayashree took place in the
Ashram Dining Room on 09/01/2001 I was working as the secretary to Chitra Sen
helping her in the Ashram related work. I had raised questions and objections
before Chitra Sen with regard to Jayashree’s assault. But she always maintained
a hostile convenient silence. Once I had also heard her talk over phone to a
psychiatrist called Dr. Unni, for Jayashree’s treatment. When I squarely
challenged her she kept quiet. So I knew something was fishy.
- After Hemlata filed her civil suit in O.S.
No.215/2001, i.e. 23/03/2001, a defamatory letter was sent to her. When she
issued a legal notice to the trustees, they began scrambling for evidence. Mr.
PP Raghavachary (inmate lawyer of SAAT) and Mr. C.S.Narasimhan suddenly began
visiting frequently Tresor Nursing Home. When I asked them the reason for their
visits they kept mum. In fact, every time they turned up I was asked to leave
the premises under some pretext.
- On 03/04/2001 Hemlata filed her criminal complaint
for defamation against the trustees and their henchmen, which they came to know
about even before receipt of court-summons. The trustees were enraged at being
cited as accused so they issued illegal backdated show cause notice to my three
elder sisters and to me. The show cause notice indicated that we had already been
found guilty, though no enquiry had been conducted, and why trustees should punish
- Thus on the 7th of April 2001, trustees
decided to punish without even giving me the chance to defend myself. Chitra
Sen simply asked me to stop working without assigning any reason. I was forced
to hand over the office keys, which I did with a covering letter asking the
reason for stopping my work. Till date that letter remains unanswered.
- On the same date the trustees of SAAT pulled in
Tresor Nursing Home and associated it with Hemlata’s alleged pregnancy in order
to hush up Jayashree’s assault on 09/01/2001. This we came to know through the
Reply Notice issued answering her Legal Notice to the trustees.
A simple protest by us against the assault on
Jayashree took such an ugly turn only because a few can stand firm against
injustice. This hurt the ego of the male chauvinistic trustees and their
henchmen. Today trustees and their henchmen (ashramites, ex-students of SAICE
& trustees’ well wishers) beat the drum falsely alleging that Hemlata was in an advance
stage of pregnancy of 6-7 months. She violated the so-called golden rule of the
Ashram and therefore must be expelled from the Ashram. But, then why no one
raised any voice against Krishna Belliappa who became an Ashramite in 2001 and
who was not expelled. While Hemlata’s character is repeatedly tainted, no
action is taken against Krishna Belliappa who enjoys the status of the
ashramite till date.
Why did the trustees associate his name with
Hemlata? The reason is so stupid that it is laughable.
In the Ashram everybody is only known by their first
name. When Krishna Chandra assaulted Jayashree, trustees tried to suppress this
fact since the Oriya threatened to walk out of Dining Room en mass. Since the Dining Room primarily functions on Oriya strength, this boycott would have been a big headache for the trustees. In order
to confuse which Krishna was involved, Krishna Pandya being too old, sincere
unaccommodating, Krishna Belliappa, the newly inducted ashramite was picked
upon. Obviously he did not toe the line for free. He was elevated to the elite
circle of conspirators and given full freedom to become a womanizer like his
mentor Manoj Das Gupta.
This was corroborated by the fact when Jayashree,
Arunashri and Hemlata went to the Police Station. A senior police officer Mr.
Anand Mohan seeing them in the police station pointed at Jayashree and asked
which Krishna had made her pregnant?
With regard to Krishna - Mahabharata war ensued
because of one Sri Krishna. What is going to be the fate of the Ashram trustees
and their well wishers when they have heavily relied upon these two Krishnas?