As the starting point of all our cases is the assault
on Jayashree, we felt that it would be better if our cases O.S. No.668/2002 (pending
before I Additional Musif, Pondicherry) and O.S. No.409/2005 (pending before
Principal District Munsif, Pondicherry) could be jointly tried to meet the ends
of justice. We had suffered enough and realized the chaos the trustees created
through their misrepresentations and irrelevant documentation in order to clog the
proceedings and confuse the issues. Therefore we decided to file a transfer
petition for conducting joint trial.
T.O.P. No.85/2007 was filed before the Principal
District Judge, Pondicherry for transferring O.S. No.668/2002 from I ADM to be
tried together with O.S. No.409/2005 at PDM. The trustees at first refused to appear
and were set exparte. When directions were issued in C.R.P. No.3314/2007 for
the orders to be passed in the pending T.O.P. trustees filed a petition to
permit them to present their objections. Their petition was allowed but the trustees
were fined. Ashram Trust and four trustees, (Veda Prakash Johar excluded) was fined Rs.75/- each for
failing to respect the court and from abstaining to appear. Trustees paid Rs.375/-.
Veda Prakash Johar remained exparte since the trustees had illegally taken away
his trusteeship.
On 23.09.2008 order was passed in T.O.P. for joint